I'm not bored, but it's been a bit of a tough week. Been a bit crook, felt a bit yuck, and really only just starting to come right now. So what do you do when you're sick at home and starting to come right? Have a wee adventure/explore in your own house of course!
Here's the alphabet chez moi... enjoy.
My Dog. Nemo. he is choice. he didn't want to wait to get his photo taken, he wanted to run and get me a toy - which is why he's not paying attention.
Ok, this is actually outside, but it's the EMPTY chook nesting box. they moulted, it got cold, they've been off the lay ever since. boo.
This wee fern is really cute.
Gummies! Not in short supply in our house (these are just the hubby's!)
This hen is one of those errant buggers that are not laying at the moment... we call her "Big Red"
Interesting books... well I think they are... : )
Jam! homemade. thanks Mum!!! x
Keyholder - fantails of course!
Love. Husband (naturopath) made up some tonic for me when I was feeling a bit poorly...
Medal: Husband is a volunteer firefighter - got this last year for services to volunteering.
Native: plenty of NZ native inspired paraphernalia around our house. This toi toi lamp is awesome.
Oh, I don't think I need to say any more.
Paua: These are in our laundry tub. You can find them in almost every room of our house though...
A real quarter. Leftover from last year's trip to the United States
Rainbow woolie hat. My favourite. Bought this years ago for five bucks at the Mot flea market.
Sailing ship. We have heaps of magnets on the fridge. This one is the hubby's. I quite like it.
Tractor. This one is my Dad's and is the exact same model of one he had when he was a kid. Sits on my coffee table these days.
Un-put-down-able. Blair Somerville of the Lost Gypsy Gallery in Papatowai is a mate, an automator, a whimsical artist and someone who rolls his eyes every time I visit, because I always end up buying something there (which means he has to make another). This one is called "Shark Baiting" - bought it for the hubby, a keen surfer and shark-phobe.
I've had this venus fly trap for two years. It's awesome. The other day it caught a wasp!
My Dad tells a story about a venus fly trap that my uncle had when they were kids. Apparently uncle fed it belgium (luncheon meat) and it grew and grew and he was scared and stopped feeding it and it died. Suspect this was in fact a tall tale for young children. : )
Where the Wild Things Are. This little guy has been in my house for a while. Seemed fitting to post him up after the death of Maurice Sendak this week. This little guy is a guardian that once belonged to a good friend of mine. When she could no longer have him, he came to live with me.
Not quite starting with 'X', but we use OXO cubes a lot, and this week when I made a chicken soup, I was fascinated by the 'X' shape of the wee cubes.
This is the hubby's 12 string. It sounds beautiful.
We don't actually have a video player anymore, but we can't bear to get rid of Zoolander. "...haaaapppy..."
awww, so glad you like it. thanks for letting me pinch the idea (your house is definitely cooler than mine!). ; )